about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B u B b L y D r E a M z
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havent been blogging for a while yeah?? got projects la.. then that day at bs i learnt how to sign half of this song that i so totally love....
went tarbanancle of joy again today... which means i've been going for three days straight.. n i think I'M IN LOVE WITH DA CHURCH!! ^_^ for these three days alot, n i do mean alot, of healings happened... it like makes moi feel so much more SURE of the POWER of the Holy Spirit... there was sooo much praying n singing n dancing!!! cant believe that i have it in moi to dance so much... jumping around~~ clapping hands!! shouting! singing! but this is all to praise da Lord!!
Here I Am To Worship Light of the World You stepped down into darkness Open my eyes Let me see Beauty that made This heart adore You Hope of a life Spent with You Chorus: Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that Your're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me King of all days Oh, so highly exalted Glorious in Heaven above Humbly You came To the earth You created All for love's sake became poor Chorus I'll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross Chorus x2 so nice rite.... ^_^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:42 AM | 0 comments i was so touched that tears came to moi eyes when i heard the pastor, rev. Stoneking, said that he SAW~~ the Lord smiling down on us the night before when we prayed n danced n sang soooo much!! He sees ALL~~ abt the pastor rite.. he has a 'shocking' story too.. he actually had a heart attack n was 'gone' for thirty mins when the paramedics gave up after shocking him with 360volts for 9 times!! n then God stepped in!!! Praise the Lord!! n pastor stoneking was revived!! God is Good!! ^_^ the most touching healing that happened today was that our brother guo cheng, from ACC aka JAM, he can now HEAR! he's born deaf n we prayed for him today.. we prayed long n hard!! n Lord heard n felt all our faith.. I'M SO HAPPY!! its really amazing.. he hasn't heard any sounds before so he doesn't understand wat we are saying but he can HEAR 'noise' from us... haha... n we too prayed for xiao ling's bf who's a muslim by default.. n best thing of all, he's got the power!! he speaks tongues now.. we are all so happy for him!! esp his gf xiao ling.. ^^ there's juz so much i wanna say... but i rather tell all these face-to-face!! i'm feeling soooo spiritually charged up!!! hehehe... oh ya... i caught cold today in church... =P oh.. abt yesteday.. we prayed for so many.. but the best was brother lawrence... he had liver cancer so his stomach was bloated.. very bloated.. then while we prayed his bloatedness went down n his stomach got back to normal n in da same time he got the Holy Spirit baptism too... then there were two muslims frenz too... one was in wheelchair the other right hand was in sling.. the one in wheelchair had a stroke i think n couldn't move all his limbs.. but as we prayed he stood up n walked!!! praise the Lord!! the other guy he raise up his RIGHT hand n prayed too... both of them got baptised in the Holy Spirit too.. n went on to be water baptise in da Lord Jesus name that veri day!!! i so wanna get water baptised too... gotta find time to speak to moi parents though.. give moi the strength Lord!! i think i end here man... but His miracles goes on... ^_^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:04 PM | 0 comments hmm.. according to moi beloved 19 yo fren... i haven't been blogging when i should so here i am blogging in this break in sch lor~~ or ya.. u guys shld noe la... that beloved fren is chun la!! hahaha... but dun have anything in mind i wanna shout out nee~~ juz that today after sch i going to tabarnacle of joy at chinatown for this interesting sermon by this good reverend.. but i forgot name la... meeting grace outside moi sch gates then we going together... too bad chun cant make it la... cuz today already last day at work not good to ask for early leave yeah?? =P this is for eileen!! haha... its like seriously ar.. i didnt expect to meet u that day its like soooo fated!!!! somemore its juz after i tagged a reply to ur asking moi how's moi progress nee... haha.. but its GOOD to see ya again after so long~~ hehehe... u seem more... hmm..... as i've said now waiting for unix lesson to start.. but think i go do some dbms stuff first la... then hor moi upline in herbalife juz told moi to draw up a timetable to distribute more time for moi part time work lor... cuz i have da stocks but no time to go out n do survey n give out flyers so of cuz no potential customers for moi lor.... SO means now gotta put more time out for going do DS (direct survey)... ~.~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:02 PM | 0 comments wah... got some new blogging layout yeah.. i mean for new post la.. aniwae.. moi now in lab juz sian-ing moi time away before next prac for unix starts.. juz got moi Herbalife stocks that u bought.. took up all moi shelves space man.. now gotta start thinking abt how best to sell them away man... juz now our vbas lecturer wanted to call us come back for an additional lect tomolo from 11-12... but we strongly protested la... almost half of us cant/wun come so we suggested instead have the lect at end of Monday lor... i mean its better to stay back on a sch day then coming back speacially on sat for juz an hour's lect rite?? hahaha... then moi vbas i can safely say its going smoothly wor... hohohoho.... its so fun lor!!! n dbms its okie too la.... its less interesting but easy to score i guess?? cuz juz rem the commands lor.. n use common sense la... =P going to prac anytime soon.. guess i better publish this now.. take care all!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:27 PM | 0 comments aiyo... started to blog in sch this morning... but din have time to finish so i saved it in the sch comp.... no chance to continue it in sch then now cant continue it at home... but nvm la~~ i repeat lor~~ i read our daily bread while on the train to sch this morning... then read a few stories but this particular one stuck in moi head... [ Joseph Parker (1830-1902) was a beloved English preacher. When his wife died, he didn't have the customary wording inscribed on her gravestone. Instead of the word died followed by the date of her death, he chose the word ascended. Parker found great comfort in being reminded that though his wife's body had been placed in the grave, the "real" Mrs. Parker had been transported to heaven and into the presence of her Savior. When Parker himself died, his friends made sure that his gravestone read: ASCENDED NOVEMBER 28, 1902 When a believing loved one dies, or when we ourselves face the process of dying, there's great comfort in the fact that "to be absent from the body" is "to be present with the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:8) Death for us is not a dark journey into the unknown. It is not a lonely walk into a strange and friendless place. Rather, it is a glorious transition from the trials of earth into the joys of heaven, where we will be reunited with our loved ones in Christ who have gone before. Best of all, we will enjoy the presence of our Lord forever. Yes, when a believer dies, the body is buried but not the soul. It has ascended! -Richard De Haan ] made moi thought abt alot of stuffs... ~Praise the Lord~ at 9:11 PM | 1 comments this morning moi 11pm sch then start lor.. but hor its only for alternate fri that sch starts so late... BUT start late oso mean end late lor... we every fri end sch at 6pm wor... sian.. then i said alternate cuz i have morning tut at 9.30 alternate lor.... so means for next week will be 9.30am start ALL THE WAY to 6pm.... LONG LONG LONG LONG day.... ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:45 PM | 2 comments aiyo!! got that weird sms again... from someone saying he from henji one.... first sms read this: "i have 4 new good looking boys, i send 4 new boys to u then u can choose one of them. so take them 2nite ok. -_-||| so i sms asked.. who are u ar? this the reply: "i am christopher from henji, i have 4 good looking boys if u want them u can choose them, how abt 2nite, call me 62261***" (for privacy reasons better dun list out here... lol) yeah... weird rite... dunno how to reply this sms now... haiz... okie.. juz sms asking how he managed to get moi no... ^^;;; btw, all his sms in CAPS... VBAS is so interesting man!!! hahaha....i think i really like lab prac.. cuz can use comp wat.. lol... wah reply le!! he asked where i from.... cuz he say moi use moi in sms ba..? haha.. bible study yest still fresh in moi mind.. esp after juz chatting with joseph after so long no chat.. sighs~~ really long man.. cuz he always so busy... =P but seriously la... he's a fren i dun wanna lose.. means a fren for life la... other than moi jie mei men that is... haha... they already confirm frenz for life!!! okie back to bs... hmm.. we talked abt the end of times la... it was kinda scary for moi la... its like there's minor/small signs pointing towards the end of times ALREADY!! scary rite..... like sci already found out that the best places to implant some chips, that's used for transactions, on the forehead n on thte rite hand... according to the Rel 13:16-18 its talking abt ppl having the mark of the devil on their foreheads n right hand.... so this new discovery is like so pathing a way for the devil to mark us... n for the mark of devil its 666... then its like the barcodes we using are all generated by this 666-system in computers.. so yeah... its like so fitting... sighs.. that's y its so scary to moi.. its said that if u do not have the mark of the devil in that particular period, it means u cant make any transactions.. izzit that SOOOO LIKE wat the scientists are trying to do now?? with the chips n all... its like already tested on animals i think... anyway that's juz sth i wanted to say... its kinda cowardly but i hope i wun live to that time when the beast is gonna be worshipped... with the mark of devil n all... anyway~~ for the time being let's all juz praise n worship the Lord yeah!!! ^__^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:39 AM | 0 comments hahaha.... got sms from moi lao gong/po telling moi to update moi bloggie lor... hmm.. wat to say leh... if wanna blog ar.. i guess only have stuff abt moi sch opening la... moi went thru orientation with this class DIT 1B/23 then now one day before sch starts this VBAS lecturer called moi hp n asked.. "do u noe wat class u are in?" then i went like... "yes? moi orientation class?" then she went... no its actually been changed to class 24... then i was like wat the.... so i asked her y.. the orientation list saysthat wat.. she said some crap reason then i asked again can i dun change? she replied no cannot... cuz u reg under that class means u taking exams oso under that class so u gotta change... i was like so saded lor!!! not easy to get along so good wif new ppl in 4 days time lor... BUT!!! one good thing is that... from moi 23 class abt half came over to class 24.. n now class 23 is our buddy class lor.. meaning for lect n lab prac we'll be together la... so its kinda okay la.. hahaha... then hor.. abt half like that ame over rite.. they include moi, raji, floren, morgan, heekian, chris, cf n sonia.. actually now moi is in the process of starting moi Database lab prac... juz reg successfully.. then now someone got prob... anyway... that day outside at bugis there met aoi, neko n kamui... then went arcade see neko n aoi play GGXX wah... that aoi ar... he sooo power!!! hahaha... then i went the toilet there... n suay suay.. hp dropped into toilet... sian rite!! then i was in toilet so long.. drying it with toilet paper... haha... then took home to dry with fan but dad say dun put batt in or will like his spoil... but CMI la... i heck lor.. juz put.. everything working finely except moi clock... its not at the top right corner... but the screensaver got clock function la.... think i go back to listen in class la.. ending soon too.. hahaha... ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:20 AM | 2 comments | |
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